A cum sock is a small, absorbent sock or pouch that is worn over the penis during sexual activity. It is designed to catch and collect ejaculate, which can then be disposed of safely. This simple device can be made at home with a few household items.

  • Cut a hole in the sock that is large enough to fit over your penis
  • Put the sock over your penis and make sure that it is tight around the base
  • masturbate until you cum into the sock
  • Remove the sock and enjoy your cum!

What is a Cum Socks?

A cum sock is a sock that is worn during sexual activity to catch any ejaculate that may be released. This can be beneficial for both partners as it can help to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. It can also help to keep the area clean and free from any unwanted fluids.

How Do You Make a Cum Sock?

Assuming you would like instructions on how to make a “cum sock”: A cum sock is a small, absorbent cloth pouch that can be worn around the penis to collect ejaculate. It can be used for sexual purposes, such as during masturbation or intercourse, or it can be worn as a form of contraception to prevent pregnancy.

To make a cum sock, you will need: -A small piece of cloth (a handkerchief or bandana will work) -Scissors

-A rubber band or string 1. Fold the cloth in half so that it forms a triangle. 2. Cut off the point of the triangle so that you are left with a rectangle.

3. Roll up the rectangle from one of the short ends until it forms a tube. 4. Tie the rubber band or string around one end of the tube to secure it. 5. Trim any excess fabric from the other end of the tube, if desired.

6. Your cum sock is now ready to use!

Why Would Someone Want to Make a Cum Sock?

A cum sock is a small piece of fabric, usually made from cloth or another absorbent material, that is worn over the penis during sexual activity. The cum sock absorbs any semen that is released during ejaculation, preventing it from coming into contact with the body or clothing. There are a few reasons why someone might want to wear a cum sock.

For one, it can help to keep things clean. If you don’t want semen on your body or clothes, wearing a cum sock can help to prevent that. Additionally, some people believe that wearing a cum sock can help to reduce the risk of pregnancy.

By absorbing the semen, there is less chance that it will come into contact with the vagina and potentially fertilize an egg. Of course, whether or not to wear a cum sock is entirely personal preference. Some people find them helpful while others do not see the need for them.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide whether or not they want to use one.

What are the Benefits of Using a Cum Socks?

There are a few benefits to using a cum sock. For one, it can help to keep your cum from getting all over your partner. This is especially helpful if you are concerned about STDs or pregnancy.

Additionally, it can help to prolong the life of your erection and make sex last longer overall. Finally, some people simply enjoy the feeling of being covered in their own cum after sex. Whatever the reason, using a cum sock can be a fun and beneficial experience for both partners.


A cum sock is a simple way to clean up after sex. All you need is a sock and some water. Wet the sock with warm water and gently wipe it over your genitals.

The cum will be absorbed by the sock, making cleanup quick and easy.