Compression socks are a great way to improve circulation and reduce swelling, but they can also cause itching. There are a few things you can do to stop the itching and make wearing compression socks more comfortable.

First, make sure you’re wearing the right size sock.

If the sock is too tight, it will constrict blood flow and cause irritation. Second, try soaking the socks in vinegar before putting them on. This will help to remove any irritants from the fabric.

Finally, wear loose fitting shoes with your compression socks to allow your feet to breathe and prevent chafing.

  • Immediately remove the socks if you notice any itching
  • If the itching persists, try washing the socks in a mild soap and cool water
  • If the itching is still present, consult your doctor to see if you have an allergy to the material of the socks

Why Do My Legs Itch After Wearing Compression Socks

If you’ve ever worn compression socks, you know that they can be quite comfortable. But have you ever noticed that your legs start to itch after wearing them for awhile? There are a few reasons why this may happen.

One reason is that the compression socks may be too tight. If they’re too tight, they can cut off circulation and cause your legs to itch. Another reason is that the material of the socks may not be breathable enough.

If your legs are sweating while wearing the socks, it can cause them to itch. Finally, if you have sensitive skin, the materials in the socks may irritate your skin and cause an itch. If your legs start itching after wearing compression socks, try loosening them or switching to a different brand or material.

And make sure to keep your legs clean and dry to prevent further irritation.

Why are My Legs So Itchy After Wearing Compression Stockings?

There are a few reasons why your legs may itch after wearing compression stockings. The first is that the material of the stocking may be irritating your skin. If you’re allergic to latex, for example, you may experience an itchy reaction to compression stockings made with latex.

Another possibility is that the compression level of the stocking is too high and is cutting off circulation to your extremities. This can cause nerve endings to become irritated, resulting in an itchy sensation.

Finally, it’s also possible that you have a fungal infection such as athlete’s foot or jock itch.

These infections thrive in warm, moist environments and can easily spread to other areas of your body – including your legs – if left untreated. If you think you might have a fungal infection, it’s important to see a doctor so they can prescribe medication to clear it up.

How Do I Make My Stockings Not Itch?

If your stockings are making your legs itch, there are a few things you can do to stop the irritation. First, make sure you’re wearing the right size. Stockings that are too tight or too loose can cause friction and lead to itching.

Second, choose a pair made from natural fibers like cotton or wool. These fabrics are less likely to irritate your skin than synthetic materials. Finally, avoid wearing your stockings for more than a few hours at a time.

If you have to wear them all day, take a break in the afternoon to give your skin a chance to breathe. If you follow these tips, you should be able to prevent your stockings from causing any discomfort. But if they continue to bother you, it’s best to consult with a doctor or dermatologist to find out if there’s an underlying condition that needs to be treated.

Can You Wear Lotion With Compression Socks?

If you’re wondering whether you can wear lotion with compression socks, the answer is yes! In fact, many people find that applying lotion to their legs before putting on compression socks helps improve blood circulation and decrease discomfort. When choosing a lotion to use with compression socks, it’s important to choose one that won’t leave your skin feeling oily or sticky.

A light, non-greasy lotion is best. You should also avoid any lotions that contain menthol or other ingredients that could cause irritation. Once you’ve selected an appropriate lotion, simply apply it to your legs according to the instructions on the packaging.

Then, put on your compression socks as usual. That’s all there is to it!

Why Do Socks Make My Legs Itch?

There are a few reasons why socks might make your legs itch. One reason is that you could be allergic to the material of the socks. If your socks are made of wool, for example, you could be allergic to the lanolin in the wool.

You can usually tell if you’re allergic to something if your skin gets red and irritated when it comes into contact with the allergen. Another possibility is that you have eczema, which is a condition that causes dry, itchy skin. If you have eczema, wearing socks can make the itching worse because they trap moisture on your skin.

If your feet sweat a lot, this can also make eczema worse. Finally, there are some fungal infections that can cause itchiness, and these are more likely to occur if you don’t keep your feet clean and dry. If your legs start itching when you wear socks, try switching to a different type of sock material.

Cotton socks are generally less irritating than wool or synthetic fibers. You can also try using moisturizing cream on your legs before putting on socks to help prevent dryness and itchiness. If these measures don’t help, see a doctor to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.


If you’re experiencing itching from compression socks, there are a few things you can do to stop it. First, make sure that your socks are the right size. If they’re too tight, they can cause irritation.

Secondly, try washing your socks with a mild detergent and letting them air dry – this can help remove any irritants that may be causing the itchiness. Finally, if the itching is severe, you can try applying a topical anti-itch cream to the affected area.